The Sourcium:

An Atrium for Open Source Practices

Generating Sequences of Appropriation

Studio Paola Viganò
Spring 2022 - Campus Piéton
Lausanne, Vaud
Individual Project | Partially Group Research | 5.75

In the 21st century, we possess vast knowledge and have exploited most resources. Our world is as connected as ever, yet we live introverted lives, hoarding wisdom isolated in institutions, servers and minds. Our competitive mindset obstructs sustainability, thus we move towards a world of synthesis and collaboration. Only this way, we may overcome the complex challenges we face in these uncertain times.

To embrace a future of togetherness, we must transcend individual expertise and tap into forgotten resources. Rather than accumulation, our focus should be on intensifying the use of existing knowledge, fostering interconnected solutions for the unfolding challenges of a globalized world.

In order to change, we must realise that knowledge and resources do not belong to us, but we that must share them in the means of open source. EPFL, a hub for diverse knowledge, can drive this change, but it needs new ways of producing, sharing, and using knowledge. To tackle today‘s challenges effectively, we must abandon private ownership, as a society, a campus, and individuals. To intensify the use of what we have, we need to (re)socialize and externalize our life and knowledge, making it accessible to all.

The campus transforms into a vibrant core, gaining intensity without getting denser. Opening its gates to the community, it shifts from a linear corridor to a circular and central space accessible from all directions. A primary network of centralities, complemented by secondary ones like backyards, offers adaptable areas. At its heart, the Sourcium emerges — an atrium that is equally source, museum, and forum. A place where knowledge, things, and people converge. A mix that allows for new solutions through new combinations. This grand library allows making, borrowing, and exchanging ideas, fostering human connections and empowering the reappropriation of the campus, environment, and future.



Eternity Extended